What is the meaning / definition of Net Rate in the ?

In hotel distribution we work with many rate levels. is sold via some third party distributors at prices that are subject to commission. Others negotiate a (sometimes lower) price with the hotel that does not include a commissions. Such a rate is called a Net Rate.

The Net Rate is the price without the commission of the . The distributor can mark-up this price with the margin he wishes to make, or an amount which is contractually agreed. Hotel distribution partners which typically work with net room rates are:

  • Merchant Model OTA
  • Wholesalers
  • Tour Operators
  • companies (aka Foreign Incoming Travel)
  • DMC's – Destination Management Companies
  • Group bookers

From a hotel perspective you can also calculate a NetRate when subtracting the commission from a gross or sell rate. For instance if the rate paid was $100 (excl VAT) and the commission is 25%, the Net Rate would be $75. And with a commission opf 15% the Net Rate would be $85.

These kind of calculations are used to determine the real revenue contribution distribution . As well as a useful called .

See also:

  • Negotiated Rate
  • Fenced Rate
  • Rack Rate


  • Net Rate



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